Ibérico Taste Joins the Planet Program

Ibérico Taste Joins the Planet Program

by Guillermo Pabon Garcia on Apr 18, 2024
At Ibérico Taste, we're not only passionate about bringing the best of Spanish gastronomy to your table, but we also care deeply about the impact our operations may have on the environment. With the rise of online shopping, we recognize the need to address carbon emissions and contribute to the health of our planet.

That's why we've partnered with other committed companies to be part of the Planet program. Through this initiative, we contribute a fixed amount per order to leading sustainability organizations like Mast Reforestation and Grassroots Carbon.

Mast Reforestation is dedicated to reforesting deforested areas, working to restore ecosystems and combat climate change. On the other hand, Grassroots Carbon focuses on actions to reduce and eliminate carbon footprints, promoting sustainable practices across industries and .

We're proud to be part of this program that goes beyond our commercial operations to positively impact the environment. Every time you place an order at Ibérico Taste, you're not only enjoying our delicious products but also supporting initiatives that make a real difference in the health of our planet.

Together, we can make a difference. Join us on this journey toward a more sustainable future.

Thank you for being part of our Ibérico Taste community and for helping us care for our home!

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