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Spanish Cheese

Spanish Cheese

As Spaniards and cheese lovers, we have selected the best cheeses from Spain for you. We choose producers with a long tradition of crafting their cheeses in an artisanal way. And as always, we guarantee their quality and freshness.

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Wedges of cheese with bread sticks on a wooden board
Mancha dorada manchego cheese package
Mancha Dorada


Manchego Cheese by Mancha Dorada


Idiazabal Cheese - Smoked by V Navarra
Idiazabal Cheese - Smoked by V Navarra
V Navarra


Idiazabal Cheese - Smoked by V Navarra


Mahon Cheese Semi-cured
Mahon Cheese Semi-cured


Mahon Cheese Semi-cured


Wedge of cheese on a wooden table with a fork
Iberico cheese el Hidalgo package
El Hidalgo


Iberico Cheese


Cheese wedges with honey and nuts
Cheese table Vega sotuelamosb package
Vega Sotuélamos


Spanish Cheese Board by Vega Sotuélamos


Spanish Sheep Cheese with Chili
Sheep Cheese with Chili
Quesos Rocinante


Sheep Cheese with Chili


Piece of cheese with black truffles
Black truffle cheese Vega sotuelamos
Vega Sotuélamos


Black Truffle Cheese by Vega Sotuélamos


Wedge of cheese with grapes
Red wine cheese package


Red Wine Goat Cheese PDO Murcia

$14.99 $12.99
a wedge of black garlic cheese
a wedge of sheep milk cheese with garlic
Ciudad de Sansueña


Aged Cheese with Black Garlic by Ciudad de Sansueña

$15.99 $14.99
Sheep’s cheese with saffron and a knife
Gourmet & Chic


Cheese with Spanish Saffron


Aged Sheep Cheese in Olive Oil by Ciudad de Sansueña
Aged Sheep Cheese in Olive Oil by Ciudad de Sansueña
Ciudad de Sansueña


Aged Sheep Cheese in Olive Oil by Ciudad de Sansueña


Spanish Cheeses Bundle
Ibérico Taste


Spanish Cheeses Bundle

$84.95 $74.95

Spanish Cheeses: Explore the Delicious Flavors of Spain at

Spanish Cheeses offer a wide variety of flavors and textures that cater to cheese enthusiasts worldwide. From the famous Manchego to the unique Torta del Casar, Spanish cheeses are a must-try for any cheese lover. Explore the rich heritage and diverse tastes of Spanish cheeses from different regions across the country.

Production of Spanish Cheeses

Spanish cheeses are made from different types of milk, including cow, goat, and sheep, or a combination thereof. The production process involves various techniques such as curdling, molding, and aging to achieve the desired flavor profiles.

Popular Spanish Cheeses

  • Manchego Cheese

Manchego cheese is one of Spain's most famous cheeses, known for its firm texture and nutty taste. It is typically made from sheep's milk and goes well with fruits and nuts.

  • Mahón

Hailing from the Balearic Islands, Mahón cheese offers a slightly salty and nutty flavor, similar to Manchego.

  • Torta del Casar

Torta del Casar is a creamy, soft cheese made from raw sheep's milk. Its intense flavor and earthy aroma make it a favorite among cheese connoisseurs.

  • Queso Idiazabal

Queso Idiazabal is a smoked cheese produced in the Basque Country and Navarre. It has a distinct flavor and is often enjoyed with quince paste or membrillo.

  • Cabrales Cheese

Cabrales cheese hails from Asturias and is a popular blue cheese with a strong, tangy taste. It pairs well with honey or dried fruits.

  • Tetilla Cheese

Tetilla cheese, meaning "small breast" in Spanish, is a mild, creamy cheese from Galicia. Its soft texture and buttery flavor make it a versatile cheese for cooking or snacking.

Manchego Cheese Recipes

Delight your taste buds with these mouthwatering Manchego cheese recipes:

  • Manchego and Fig Crostini:

Slice a baguette, top with slices of Manchego cheese, and finish with a fresh fig. Drizzle with honey and sprinkle with chopped walnuts.

  • Manchego Stuffed Peppers:

Cut mini bell peppers in half, fill with Manchego cheese, and bake until the cheese is melted and bubbly. Garnish with chopped herbs.

  • Manchego Cheese Plate:

Arrange slices of Manchego cheese on a plate with quince paste, almonds, and olives for a simple and elegant appetizer.

  • Manchego Spinach Dip:

Mix cream cheese, chopped spinach, and shredded Manchego cheese for a creamy and savory dip. Serve with tortilla chips or sliced vegetables.

  • Manchego Arugula Salad:

Toss arugula with olive oil, lemon juice, and shaved Manchego cheese. Add toasted pine nuts and dried cranberries for extra flavor.

Pairing Spanish Cheeses with Wine

Pairing Spanish cheeses with the right wine can elevate your tasting experience to a whole new level. The complex flavors and textures of Spanish cheeses complement a variety of wines, enhancing the overall sensory experience.

  • For fresh and creamy Spanish cheeses, such as Tetilla, opt for a crisp and acidic white wine like Albariño or Verdejo. The brightness of these wines balances the richness of the cheese.
  • When pairing aged Spanish cheeses like Manchego or Queso Idiazabal, consider a bold red wine such as Tempranillo or Rioja. The robust flavors of the cheese are enhanced by the fruitiness and tannins of these red wines.
  • Spanish blue cheeses like Cabrales pair beautifully with sweet wines like Pedro Ximénez sherry or late-harvest Riesling. The sweetness of these wines contrasts with the sharpness of the blue cheese, creating a harmonious balance of flavors.

Experimenting with different wine and cheese combinations is key to finding your perfect match. Whether you prefer red, white, or sweet wines, there is a Spanish cheese waiting to be paired with it, creating a delightful culinary experience.

Spanish Cheeses for Entertaining

When it comes to entertaining guests, Spanish cheeses offer a delightful array of options to impress even the most discerning palates. Whether you are hosting a casual gathering or a formal dinner party, incorporating Spanish cheeses into your menu can elevate the dining experience.

  • Consider starting with a cheese board featuring a selection of Spanish cheeses such as Manchego, Cabrales, and Tetilla. Pair them with a variety of accompaniments like honey, nuts, and dried fruits to create a dynamic flavor profile.
  • For a more interactive experience, opt for a fondue or raclette station with melted Spanish cheeses for dipping bread, vegetables, and charcuterie.
  • Spanish cheese platters can also be a great addition to tapas-style gatherings, offering guests a taste of traditional flavors in a modern presentation.
  • Experiment with different textures and flavors by serving soft, creamy cheeses alongside aged, hard varieties. This contrast can create a well-rounded cheese tasting experience.

Buying Guide for Spanish Cheeses

When looking to purchase Spanish cheeses, there are a few key factors to consider to ensure you select the best options for your taste preferences. Here is a guide to help you navigate the diverse world of Spanish cheeses:

  • Types of Milk: Spanish cheeses can be made from cow, sheep, or goat milk, each offering unique flavors and textures.
  • Age of the Cheese: Consider whether you prefer a fresh, semi-cured, or aged cheese, as this will affect the taste and consistency.
  • Region of Origin: Different regions in Spain specialize in producing specific types of cheeses, each with its own distinct characteristics.
  • Texture and Flavor Profile: Some Spanish cheeses are creamy and mild, while others are sharp and tangy. Choose according to your preferences.
  • Pairing Recommendations: Think about the wines, fruits, nuts, or bread that complement the flavors of the cheese you are interested in.
  • Storage Instructions: Proper storage can preserve the quality of your Spanish cheeses. Follow guidelines for refrigeration and wrapping.

Cooking Tips for Spanish Cheeses

When using Spanish cheeses in your recipes, it is important to consider their unique flavors and textures. Here are some cooking tips to help you make the most of these delicious cheeses:

  • Grate hard Spanish cheeses like Manchego or Idiazabal for easier melting in dishes such as pasta or gratins.
  • Allow soft Spanish cheeses like Torta del Casar or Cabrales to come to room temperature before using to enhance their creamy texture.
  • Pair Spanish blue cheeses like Cabrales with sweet flavors such as honey or figs to balance their intense taste.
  • When using Tetilla cheese, opt for gentle heat to prevent it from becoming too oily, as it has a low melting point.
  • Experiment with different Spanish cheeses in omelets, salads, or sandwiches to discover new flavor combinations.

By following these cooking tips, you can elevate your dishes with the rich and distinct flavors of Spanish cheeses.

Serving Suggestions for Spanish Cheeses

When serving Spanish cheeses, it's important to highlight their unique flavors and characteristics. Here are some suggestions to enhance your cheese tasting experience:

  • Pair Manchego cheese with quince paste and Marcona almonds for a traditional Spanish flavor combination.
  • Serve Torta del Casar with crusty bread or crackers to fully enjoy its creamy texture.
  • Enjoy Queso Idiazabal with a drizzle of honey to complement its slightly smoky taste.
  • Try Cabrales cheese with sliced apples or pears to balance its strong and tangy flavor.
  • Tetilla cheese can be served with a light drizzle of olive oil and a sprinkle of paprika for a simple yet delicious pairing.

Experiment with different accompaniments to find your favorite flavor combinations and create a memorable Spanish cheese tasting experience.

Health Benefits of Spanish Cheeses

Spanish cheeses offer more than just delicious flavors – they also come with a range of health benefits. Here are some reasons why incorporating Spanish cheeses into your diet can be a healthy choice:

  • Rich in Calcium: Spanish cheeses, especially those made from cow's milk, are a great source of calcium, which is essential for strong bones and teeth.
  • Protein Powerhouse: Spanish cheeses are packed with protein, which is important for muscle growth and repair.
  • Good Fats: While cheese is known for its fat content, Spanish cheeses contain healthy fats that are beneficial for heart health.

Additionally, Spanish cheeses are also a good source of vitamins and minerals, making them a nutritious addition to your diet.

Spanish Cheese Tasting Experience

Embark on a sensory journey with a Spanish cheese tasting experience. Immerse yourself in the rich flavors and textures of renowned Spanish cheeses, each offering a unique aroma and taste profile.

  • Sample a variety of Spanish cheeses, from the creamy Cabrales to the nutty Queso Idiazabal, to discover your preferred flavor profiles.
  • Explore the different aging processes of Spanish cheeses, ranging from fresh and mild to aged and robust, each providing a distinct palate sensation.
  • Learn about the traditional methods of cheese production in Spain and how they contribute to the diverse range of flavors present in each variety.
  • Pair your Spanish cheeses with an array of accompaniments, such as honey, nuts, and dried fruits, to enhance the tasting experience and create harmonious flavor combinations.

Discovering Regional Spanish Cheeses

When delving into the world of Spanish cheeses, exploring regional varieties provides a delightful journey through the diverse flavors and traditions of each area. From the mountainous landscapes of Andalucía to the lush pastures of Asturias, each region boasts unique cheeses that showcase the cultural heritage and culinary expertise of Spain.

Cheeses from Andalucía

  • Queso de las Alpujarras (D.O.P.) - Hailing from the picturesque Alpujarra region, this cheese is known for its creamy texture and mild, nutty flavor.
  • Queso de los Pedroches - A cheese with a rich history, crafted in the Pedroches Valley using traditional methods that result in a distinctive taste.
  • Queso Payoyo - Made in the Grazalema Natural Park, this cheese celebrates the unique blend of goat and sheep's milk, creating a harmonious balance of flavors.
  • Quesitos de Zuheros - These small, soft cheeses from Zuheros offer a creamy indulgence with a touch of tanginess, perfect for snacking or pairing with fruits.
  • Queso de Fuente Palmera - Produced in the town of Fuente Palmera, this cheese is a true reflection of the Andalusian terroir, with hints of herbs and spices enhancing its character.

Cheeses from Aragón

  • Queso de Tronchón - A semi-soft cheese with a buttery texture and mild flavor, originating from the Tronchón Valley in Aragón.
  • Queso Echo y Ansó - Crafted in the villages of Echo and Ansó, this cheese showcases the alpine influences of the Pyrenees, offering a unique taste experience.
  • Queso de Biescas - Known for its distinct aroma and creamy consistency, this cheese from Biescas is a favorite among cheese connoisseurs.
  • Queso Patamulo - With a nutty flavor profile and firm texture, this cheese is a testament to the expertise of Aragonese cheesemakers.
  • Queso de Radiquero - Made in the village of Radiquero, this cheese captivates with its earthy notes and lingering finish, making it a versatile choice for various culinary creations.

Cheeses from Asturias

  • Queso Cabrales (D.O.P.) - A renowned blue cheese from the caves of Cabrales, Asturias, known for its intense flavors and creamy consistency.
  • Queso de Afuega el Pitu (D.O.P.) - This unique cheese from Asturias comes in various colors and textures, offering a range of taste experiences from sharp and crumbly to smooth and buttery.
  • Queso de Los Beyos - Named after the Beyos region, this cheese boasts a rich, savory flavor with hints of mountain herbs, creating a truly authentic taste of Asturias.
  • Queso Casín (D.O.P.) - A semi-hard cheese with a complex flavor profile, made exclusively in the Casín Valley, Asturias, using traditional methods passed down through generations.
  • Queso de Gamonedo (D.O.P.) - This blue cheese from Asturias entices with its pungent aroma and bold taste, making it a standout choice for cheese enthusiasts seeking an adventurous palate experience.

Spanish Cheese and Wine Tours

Embark on an unforgettable journey through the scenic landscapes of Spain with Spanish Cheese and Wine Tours. Indulge your senses by exploring the diverse flavors of Spanish cheeses paired perfectly with local wines.

  • Discover the rustic charm of traditional cheese-making processes in picturesque Spanish villages.
  • Sample a variety of artisanal cheeses, from creamy Cabrales to tangy Queso Idiazabal, each offering a unique taste experience.
  • Learn about the art of cheese aging and how it contributes to the rich flavors and textures of Spanish cheeses.
  • Enjoy wine tastings at renowned vineyards, where knowledgeable sommeliers will guide you through the perfect pairings for each cheese.

Whether you're a cheese connoisseur or just beginning to explore the world of Spanish cheeses, these tours will provide you with a deeper appreciation for the culinary delights of Spain.

Exploring Spanish Cheese Culture

Spanish cheese culture is deeply rooted in tradition and history, reflecting the rich culinary heritage of the country. Exploring the unique flavors and textures of Spanish cheeses offers a glimpse into the diverse regional specialties that have been perfected over generations. From the bold and robust Cabrales cheese of Asturias to the creamy and indulgent Torta del Casar from Extremadura, each cheese tells a story of the land and the people who craft them.

  • Experience the artisanal techniques that have been passed down through centuries, preserving the authentic flavors of Spanish cheeses.
  • Discover the influence of different regions on the distinct characteristics of each cheese, from the salty sea air of the coast to the lush pastures of the mountains.
  • Immerse yourself in the vibrant cheese markets and festivals that celebrate the craftsmanship and artistry of Spanish cheesemakers.
  • Learn about the cheese aging process and how it contributes to the complexity and depth of flavor in Spanish cheeses.

Q&A: All About Spanish Cheeses

Curious about Spanish cheeses? Here are some commonly asked questions:

  • What makes Spanish cheeses unique?
  • Are there specific regions known for producing certain types of cheeses?
  • What are some popular pairings for Spanish cheeses?
  • Can Spanish cheeses be used in cooking, and if so, how?
  • What are the health benefits of consuming Spanish cheeses?

Explore the world of Spanish cheeses through these frequently asked questions to enhance your knowledge and appreciation of these delectable treats.

Where to Buy Authentic Spanish Cheeses

When it comes to sourcing authentic Spanish cheeses, there are several options to consider. To ensure you are getting high-quality products, look for specialty gourmet stores that focus on imported cheeses. These establishments often carry a wide selection of Spanish cheeses, ranging from the popular Manchego to lesser-known regional varieties.

  • Visit local cheese shops with a dedicated European cheese section.
  • Explore online food retailers that specialize in international gourmet products.
  • Attend food festivals or events featuring Spanish cheese vendors.

By purchasing from reputable sellers that prioritize authenticity and quality, you can enjoy the true flavors of Spanish cheeses in the comfort of your own home.

Insider Tips for Enjoying Spanish Cheeses

1. Allow the cheese to come to room temperature before serving to enhance its flavors.

2. Pair Spanish cheeses with a variety of accompaniments such as honey, nuts, and olives for a delicious tasting experience.

3. Experiment with different wine pairings to find the perfect match for each cheese variety.

4. When serving a cheese platter, offer a selection of textures and flavors to cater to different preferences.

5. Store Spanish cheeses properly in the refrigerator wrapped in wax paper to preserve their taste and prevent them from drying out.